Speech Therapy Book Companions! Now are GREAT for teletherapy and distance learning! Are you looking for some super simple, easy prep book companions for your little learners? These quick prep book companions are great for the busy SLP during springtime therapy. They include Evidenced based practices and strategies for read alouds for young learners, presented with research based practices that are broken down for you. These are a great addition to your seasonal/thematic therapy! They also include BONUS visuals for retell, wh questions, and more.
Watch my YouTube video here for the digital component.
These book companions include three variations:
1. At least FIVE full-size low prep book companions per topic, for hands on practice for popular seasonal read aloud stories, with evidence based read aloud strategies and supports.
2. THREE TO TEN (depending on season) task box size book companions per topic (that's 20-40 PER SEASON!!), for easy, on the go therapy requiring minimal prep. Task box size companions are one 4x6 page, and fit inside 4x6 photo boxes. All book companions will fit in one box per season to take with you on-the-go. Task box sized book companions can be taped or clipped directly into books in order to always have a visual right at your fingertips.
3. Digital Book Companions via Google Slides for use via teletherapy and distance learning. Simply open in Google slides, follow the directions, and screen share both the read aloud AND visuals at once. Can also share with parents for use at home (parents/guardians and protected school sites for your students ONLY). Digital Book Companions are currently included for ALL Fall stories (over 24 books!) and winter will be updated with digital format by November 2020.
**Note: All full-sized book companions include a task box sized visual companion. However, not all task boxed sized visual companions include a full-sized companion.
Storage ideas and uses also included for easy prep!
How do I use this in my therapy room??
I like to have the large hands on / full size book companion with me, and give each student the 4x6 task box size visuals/companion. This way, as I'm asking questions and using read aloud strategies, each student has the visual in front of them as reference. We can use the full-size hands on companions for play based therapy, and using the task box sized visual companions for extra support. Another option is for each student and therapist to each have a task box sized visual companion in front of them for extra support. I also use packaging tape, and tape each 4x6 visual companion into the cover of every accompanying book so that I ALWAYS have a visual with me no matter where I end up (i.e. a broom closet next to my preschool classroom!).
Seasonal Book Companions Included:
Spring (Weather, Flowers/Plants/Gardens, Easter/Bunnies, General Spring)
Spring books included:
- There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick
- The Night Before Easter
- Happy Easter, Mouse!
- It’s Not Easy Being a Bunny
- Going on an Egg Hunt
- Turkey’s Eggcelent Easter
- Old Lady Swallowed a Frog
- Little Blue Truck’s Springtime
- Bear Wants More
- Too Many Carrots
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- The Grouchy Ladybug
- We’re Going on a Nature Hunt
- Grow Flower Grow
- Flower Garden
- Lola Wants to Plant a Garden
- Rain
- Little Cloud
- The Rain Came Down