These visual support strips for speech therapy include TONS of options to be used with ANY activity, book, craft, resource... whenever you're in need of that extra visual support! Simply print, laminate, and attach via a binder ring. There are multiple cover options included for organization! Also includes 4x6 task box visuals to use with photo boxes for on the go therapy!
This product pairs perfectly as an add-on with my best selling sentence strips! These are my original strips that influenced this add-on visual support product!
TIP: Print in Adobe (free), and NOT from your internet browser for best printing quality.
This product includes:
Over 65 Visual Strips covering the following areas:
- Size
- Shape
- Color
- Texture
- Numbers
- Category
- Location
- Function
- Appearance
- Sequencing
- Wh Questions
- Regular Verbs
- Irregular Verbs
- Superlatives
- Comparatives
- Emotions
- Prepositions
- Time
- Sequencing support visuals
- TONS Of Attributes
- Material
- Object Function
- Parts Of Speech
- Body Parts
- Furniture
- Parts Of Home
- Kitchen Items
- Tools
- Weather
- Seasons/Holidays (general)
- Clothing
- Ingredients
- Cooking/Baking
- Good Groups
- Taste
- Toys/Games
- Sensory
- Transportation
- School Supplies
- Foods
- Food Groups
- Sports
- Animal Habitats
- Animal Parts
- Pets
- Ocean Animals
- Jungle Animals
- Zoo Animals
- Farm Animals
- Forest Animals
- People
- Places
- ...And More!
BONUS Task Box Sizes available for on the go therapy!
TIP: Print in Adobe (free), and NOT from your internet browser, for best printing quality.