Tired of articulation resources drilling RANDOM speech words that have little to no meaning to your students, and aren't SUPPORTING GENERALIZATION?
Start targeting speech sounds using functional, high frequency articulation words your students will actually understand and use! These sound-filled articulation stories will help your students with carryover and generalizing their accuracy to connected speech, using high-frequency vocabulary!
- 86 high-frequency articulation stories
- Multiple, leveled options for each sound in each position (i.e. 2 initial /s/ stories, 3 medial /s/ stories, 5 final /s/ stories)
- BONUS 64 make-your-own high-frequency articulation stories
- High repetition of target sound for each story
- Comprehension questions with more opportunities for spontaneous productions
- High-frequency word lists for each target sound
- Opportunity for self-monitoring through use of summarizing
Sounds Included:
- F (initial, medial, final)
- K (initial, medial, final)
- G (initial, medial, final)
- L (initial, medial, final)
- L Clusters
- S (initial, medial, final)
- SH (initial, medial, final)
- CH (initial, medial, final)
- TH (initial, medial, final)
- Z (final)
- SC-/SK Clusters
- ST Clusters
- SP Clusters
- SM Clusters
- SN Clusters
- SW Clusters
- SL Clusters
- Prevocalic R
- R Clusters
- ER (final)
- AR (final)
- OR (final)
- AIR (final)
- IRE (final)
- EAR (final)
Targets selected for every sound are words your students will actually encounter & understand ...because words like "zero" and "zip," "they" and "that" are going to be used a lot more often than words like "xylophone," "thermometer," and "thermos!" (My kids definitely have no idea what a "thermos" even is!)
These High Frequency Articulation stories will SUPPORT GENERALIZATION AND CARRYOVER from your speech therapy sessions!
These high frequency articulation stories are perfect for you if…
- you’re providing in-person therapy and/or pull-out therapy
- you prefer to use high frequency words that actually MAKE SENSE to your students!
- your students need support answering comprehension questions using tier 1 and tier 2 vocabulary
- your students enjoy creating silly stories using their target speech sounds!
- you have a variety of speech sound goals on your caseload
- you work remotely (easily screen share stories with a clickable pdf)