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    Using Google Forms in Speech Therapy

    Using Google Forms in Speech Therapy

    5 minute read

    I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: I live for the things that make my life easier (probably why my obsession with dry shampoo is extremely real).

    So, how do I prep for CSE meetings when I’m unable to meet individually with every teacher or provider working with my student?

    Drumroll, please...

    I noticed a sped teacher in our high school would send out google forms that were extremely basic and easy to fill out, but provided really great info for her to share at meetings. She often was consulting with as many as 8 teachers in prep for her meetings, and always arrived with fantastic feedback to share with the team.


    Finally, I asked HOW DO YOU DO IT??


    She showed me her google form, and the high rate of feedback she receives, especially with a tag line such as, ‘this is easier than finding a common prep time—please fill out asap’ (lets be honest, no therapist or teacher alike wants to miss precious prep time).

    So it got me thinking...I could easily adapt this for speech and language. 

    When I am the case leader of an IEP, I have a hard time touching base with every subject, teacher, and provider. Not chatting with teachers makes me feel unprepared for meetings, because I know that I'm able to apply goals to all areas of academics (speech sounds, vocabulary, pragmatics.. you get it), and I should be ready to speak on all parts as needed. Only one gen ed teacher is required for a meeting, so it may be the Math teacher which means I need to be prepared to speak on ELA/Social Studies skills, writing, behavior...
    Therefore, I created a general template I can send to any staff person. It only takes them about 5 minutes to fill out (which I mention at least 2 times---I believe it helps my response rate!).
    Check out THIS Google Form that I use when I'm the case leader for an IEP (this is a great form for SpEd teachers and the IEP case leader. Keep scrolling if you're interested in one specifically for speech/language skills only!).
    You will need a google account in order to utilize the form. However, you can copy the link when sending to staff (directions shown below), and they do not need a google account.
    In order to use this form, please follow the exact steps below:
    1. Open the link, and click on the pencil in the top right: (depending on your preferences, you may not see the pencil and can skip to step 2)
    2. Click on the 3 dots in the top right:
    3. Select "make a copy" in the drop down menu. This step is extremely important. If you just use the linked form straight from this blog, you'll actually be editing my main form! Which means it will change for everyone who uses the link. So please be sure to make a copy first :) See below: 
    4. You can now rename and edit the new copied document as you please! Feel free to tweak your own copy to fit your needs. In order to share with staff, I prefer sharing my own personal link which I just copy and paste into an email, explaining what I would like staff to do with the link. In order to create a link, see below:
    5. Simply copy that link into your email and you're good to go! I have written a pre-made overview for staff, so that it's always ready to go, that looks like this:

    Hi all,

    I am sending you a link below to a short google form to fill out. This form will help me to appropriately fill out ___(name)___'s IEP in preparation for his meeting with _(mom, parents, grandparents, etc)_ next _(Tuesday, Date, etc)___. This also avoids the trouble of us all finding a common time to get together to chat, and this form shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to fill out! 

    I am currently recommending ___(1x30 group therapy, a decrease in services, a discontinuation of speech services)_________ based on __________. I'm also recommending _________. Please stop by room or call my extension with any questions or concerns.

    Please let me know if there are any issues with the google form!

    Please fill out prior to _________.


    Thank you for your time,



    The last portion is optional, but typically if I have a student who is speech only, with goals such as articulation and intelligibility only, I update staff briefly on my recommendations. That way, if a teacher has a question or concern, they can stop by my room and chat with me about it before the meeting. 


    I have also created a speech therapy Google Form HERE that can be used to gain information on speech and language skills within the classroom settings. 

    Again-- you can edit and tweak this as you need! Just please make a copy first!


    I'd love to hear if this is something you would find beneficial, or how you're using Google Forms in your classroom! I am always thinking of new ways to utilize Google Forms- contact me if you need help making any of your own! 


    Happy Speech-ing!





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