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    Amazon Favorites for the First-Time SLP

    Amazon Favorites for the First-Time SLP

    1 minute read

    Any other Amazon-addicted SLPs out there?

    I have rounded up some awesome Amazon favorites for my fellow Amazon-addicted SLPs. I'm especially excited since I'll be in a brand new therapy room and am running low on supplies (need allll the deals I can get), so I'm sharing so many of my must-have items!

    If you want to check out some of my favorite items for therapists, you can check out my Amazon storefront where I save all of my favorite therapy games, books, sensory bin items, and more (aff links) for the busy SLP. 
    My favorite list is probably the list titled: "Beginner SLP Must Haves." I put my heart and soul into this list for you, and even did research via multiple SLPs! If you're a CF or in the first year or two of your first job, check this section out! You can even share it with others as a major hint 😉
    Happy shopping!

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